So, it's Christmas and I am wearing shorts and a t-shirt. That right there makes my Christmas different from any other..let alone, I'm not with my family, there is no real christmas tree, and I haven't seen one traditional christmas movie since last year. But, I am ready for a new experience. Apparently Christmas isn't very well-liked here, so I don't think I am in for much today. Although, my family and I went out to dinner last night at a chinese resteraunt! (All I could think about was A Christmas Story..). It was really nice to go out and have more family time! I honestly feel like I'm the obviously adopted child in their family! My host sisters have become my real sisters, and I always look to my host parents for advice as if they were my real parents! Today I believe we are going to my host cousins house to "celebrate" although I am not expecting more than just having more family time and talking, which is nice!
Now, For Some Updates
Thursday and Friday nights I was in a place called Puerto Viejo with a couple friends from the states! Seeing as I still haven't been able to make it to Guanacaste, I was excited to see the beaches in Limon(the province that Puerto Viejo is in) since apparently they are second best. They most definitely were gorgeous even though it was raining a fair amount of the day we had to go to the beach. The hostel we stayed in was called Rocking J's. It was the coolest hostel I have ever been too! The people are really nice, you can rent hammocks or tents to sleep in for 7 dollars, and for years people have been painting the hostel to leave their mark!
Yarelin's First Birthday
So, I have experienced a fair amount of birthdays this year, and written about them, but I thought I would mention this one as well. The other day was my cousin's daughter's first birthday!
So, I apologize for the lack of writing, with this post it was easier to explain with pictures! Merry Christmas to everyone reading this post, I hope it is absolutely amazing and enjoy your time with your family as much as possible.
Feliz Navidad! Pura vida
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