Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Stitching in the Pages

I'm currently sitting in my bed at the hostel I've been staying at in Hawaii since the beginning of my orientation attempting to reflect on the past week in Honolulu/Manoa. Music and people from my program are talking outside and I can very genuinely say that I am extremely excited for what's about to come.

We'll be stepping on the airplane to Samoa tomorrow night at 10:00 Hawaii time to arrive in Samoa early the next morning and across the international date line (which means I'll be a day ahead of everyone in the US).

What started off as an experience that reminded me too much of the start of my program in Costa Rica, it's already become it's own through, quite honestly, amazing lectures, incredibly genuine and interested people, and unbelievable opportunity. As if gaining a life of it's own, this program of study abroad in Samoa is already leaking qualities of one that will stitch its own pages and leave me in the dust if I deem myself unable to keep up (not going to happen).

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